School Trips & Experiences
At Upton, school trips and experiences are incredibly important to us. Not only do they enhance our curriculum, they also provide our children with valuable opportunities that they may not otherwise experience. We priortise reading trips and experiences as Upton is a school that loves to read. We ensure that every child from Year 1 upwards attends Cheltenham Literature Festival and meets various authors across their time at school. We also hold our own 'Upton Literature Festival' in school every February where authors come into school and run workshops with every child. In the 24-25 academic year, we are looking forward to welcoming Sophy Henn, SF Said and Tracey Corderoy.
School trips and experiences are carefully planned and mapped out across the school to ensure that all children are experiencing a range of opportunities. Some of these experiences are linked to the curriculum, such as visits to Gloucester Cathedral as part of our History Learning or Cotswold Wildlife Park, as part of our Science Learning. Other trips are run purely for cultural development and non-academic reasons such as ensuring all of our Year 5 pupils visit London or all of our Year 2 pupils visit the beach. This is to ensure that every child leaves our school having experienced a wealth of opportunities.
We also run two residential trips in Year 4 and Year 6. These give children the opportunity to experience a 2-night (year 4) or 4-night (year 6) stay away from home building resilience and independence.
Due to school budgets, trips can only go ahead with the financial support of parents and carers. If you have any concerns about this, please speak to us and we will do all we can to support every family.
Please see the list of planned trips and experiences below. Please be aware that some years, the planned trip cannot go ahead as dates are not always possible to agree. We reserve the right to change or amend any trips at any point in the year.